Secrets to Losing Weight - 3 Sure Fire Ways to a Slimmer You

During my years as a weight loss coach, I've been asked, "What are the key secrets to losing weight?" Weight loss can be confusing with so many diets and weight loss plans to consider. Here are three top secrets to losing weight.

Never skip meals.

\"Secrets To Losing Weight\"

This first secret is often hard to believe. However, many studies conclude people who skip meals during the day tend to be heavier than those who eat four or five meals a day. This is particularly true for people who skip breakfast. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day because it kick starts the body's metabolism to burn calories efficiently after many hours of rest. Skipping meals tend to slow down metabolism. A slow metabolism means fewer calories are burned and more body fat is stored. Also, people who skip meals will usually overeat at some point in the day due to hunger. This often leads to eating more food than normal at the end of the day when activity levels are less. There is also a greater chance of snacking on junk foods high in fat and calories. In the end, skipping meals may do more harm than good when it comes to losing weight.

Secrets to Losing Weight - 3 Sure Fire Ways to a Slimmer You

Eat nutritious foods from all the food groups.

A reduced-calorie eating plan that includes recommended amounts of carbohydrate, protein, and fat will allow you to lose weight. By following a balanced eating plan, you will not have to stop eating whole classes of foods, such as dairy, whole grains, fruits, and vegetables and miss the key nutrients they contain. You may also find it easier to stick with a diet that includes a greater variety of foods. As a rule of thumb, women should never eat less than 1200 calories a day.

A healthy eating plan includes: fruits, vegetables, whole grains, fat-free or low-fat milk/milk products, lean meats, poultry, fish, beans, eggs, nuts, and is low in saturated fats, trans fats, cholesterol, salt and sugars.

Engage in daily physical exercise.

In order to lose weight you need to burn more calories than you eat. This is why daily exercise is so important to weight loss. Try to find something you enjoy doing, like walking, and then set a goal to walk for thirty minutes on a daily basis. In addition, try to do strengthening activities two to three days a week. You can lift weights, do push-ups, sit-ups, or do household or garden chores. Strength training builds muscle, which increases metabolism and helps burn calories.

Give these three secrets to losing weight a try. If you find any one of them a challenge, persevere and know it takes your body three weeks to learn a new habit. By that time, your body will be so conditioned to the healthier lifestyle you won't want to quit.

Secrets to Losing Weight - 3 Sure Fire Ways to a Slimmer You

For more helpful advice and information, and to download a free copy of "The 10 Shocking Myths Women Believe about Weight Loss and How You Can Avoid the Same Mistakes" visit:

Donna Szczur is a personal weight loss coach for women who struggle to lose weight.

Health and wellness has always been a priority in Donna's life. Both of her parents developed cardiovascular disease during middle age. Since that time, eating nutritionally and living a healthy lifestyle have always played an important part in her life.

Donna is the organizer of a women's weight loss focus group in her hometown of Coquitlam, British Columbia. Like-minded women meet on a weekly basis to discuss their weight loss successes and challenges. In today's fast-paced lifestyle, it's not always easy to eat well and stay healthy and slim. The weekly support and nutritional tips help everyone to achieve their personal weight loss goals.